UpcomiNg Exhibitions



March 2020

Due to Coronavirus the cow exhibit that was to take place in Dallas Fort Worth is cancelled. Download the brochure (PDF) to view the exhibit and the details of the cancellation.


Canyon Fine Art

August 11

“Santa Fe artist Regina Foster’s new body of paintings reflects a stunning tour-de-force delving into the idea of personal 'Veritas', Truth. The choice to live in 'veritas', with liberty, and in personal integrity, — as a country, an individual, or a global family."

Opening Reception
August 11, 5-7:30 pm. 
Exhibition thru Sept. 1st, 2017

Canyon Fine Art 
205 Canyon Rd
Santa Fe 


Regina in action


Wearable Art

Two of regina's paintings are available as limited edition silk scarves from Rozendove